With Borders

No Borders

CERF Actuarial Information

Plan Membership As of January 1, 2024
Covered Payroll $600,022,218
Average Pay per Active Member $48,372
Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC)
Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) $182,257,093
Amortization of UAAL, with interest to mid-year $25,346,377
Normal Cost, with interest to mid-year $36,516,500
Reduction in Normal Cost for Member Contributions $22,811,216
Annual Required Contributions $39,051,661
    as a percent of payroll 6.81%
Plan Assets
Actuarial Value $792,653,687
Market Value $761,376,292
Funded Status
Entry Age Normal Actuarial Accrued Liability $974,910,780
Funded Ratios
Funded Percentage on Actuarial Value of Assets
Funded Percentage on Market Value of Assets